Live proving: Account Aggregation

A user has to be created with user Live-Accounts permission so that Live proving Account aggregation functionality can be accessed by this user and the account related information are displayed in the TPP portal.

The below steps are to be followed for the Account aggregation setup.

1. When this user with Live-Accounts permission logs into the conformance portal, the below page is displayed with common information from all the connected banks.

2. To connect with new bank, the user can click on Connect new bank button. Clicking on it, the user will be redirected to the page with bank options and the user can choose any bank they wish to connect with.

3. After choosing the required bank and clicking on Continue button, the user will be redirected to the page with all possible account permissions and the user can choose what information they wish to share with the TPP portal, choose the information sharing deadline and click on Continue button.

4. The user will be redirected to the summary page which will display all the information selected by the user before redirecting the user to the bank portal. Clicking on Confirm button will redirect the user to the selected bank portal.

5. In the bank portal, after providing the user login credentials the user can select any number of accounts from the list to share its account information to the TPP portal. After selecting the account and clicking on Confirm will redirect the user back to the TPP portal.

6. Once back into the TPP portal, the user will be displayed with all the account permissions they have chosen and clicking on Continue Process button the user will be redirected to PSU Accounts Overview page.

7. The user can then choose which bank account information they wish to view by selecting the exact bank from the Select Connected Bank dropdown.

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