
In Audits, Questionnaire can be created based on the Regulations and they can be assigned to a Bank. Bank can answer the Questionnaire, which will be reviewed by an External Auditor and check if they are compliant.


Questionnaire can be created in the Templates section by the users having External Auditor permission.

1. Click Create Template option from Templates dashboard

2. Provide the Template Title, Jurisdiction and Visible to values. If the Visible to value is Private, Template will be accessible only to the user who has created it. If the Visible to value is Public, Template will be accessible to all the External Auditor users present in that Organisation

3. Questions can be added one by one using the Add Question option in the overview page. In the Add Question page, enter the Question title, Description, Category Name, Reference Id, Impact, Scope and click on ,code>Create. Template will be saved in In Draft status once the first question is added.

4. Import Questions option can be used to import a set of Questionnaire in csv format

5. Search option, Impact and Scope filters can be used to filter the Questions in the Template overview page.

6. Export option can be used to export the Template in CSV or Xlsx format

7. Once the Questions are added, Template can be Published, so that it can be used for Audit creation. Once the Template is Published, it cannot be edited

8. Template can be cloned using the Clone option present in the Templates dashboard


1. Click the Create Audit option from the Audits dashboard

2. In the Create Audit form, provide the Jurisdiction, Template, Audit title, Description and click on Create. Templates will be listed in the dropdown based on the Jurisdiction selected. Audit will be created in Open status

3. When the Bank user logs in to the portal, Audit will be listed. All the Questions will be in Not Started status initially.

4. Bank user can start answering the questions one by one. On clicking the view icon, Question will get displayed. When a question is answered, Audit status will be updated to In Progress. User can add their comment and Submit for Review. Once the question status is Submitted for Review, Revise Answer option can be used to add/edit the responses.

5. Questions Submitted for Review will be reviewed by the External Auditor. External Auditor will Accept the response if it is satisfactory or Need Inputs option can be used to ask for more evidence.

6. Once the Question status is Accepted, External Auditor can add the Closing Statement, Closing Status and update the Question status is Closed

7. When all the Question status is moved to Closed, External Auditor can add the Executive Summary and the Audit status will be Completed

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