User Permissions

1. Bank Admin/Administration
When the user is created with Administration user permissions, then that user will be assigned Bank Admin user role. The following menus are displayed for this user: Live proving, Audits, Functional Conformance, Security Conformance, Settings

In this page , there are two menus which are as follows.

  • User management: The users in the portal are managed using the User management page where bank admin can manage users in which bank admin is associated with.
  • API Analytics: The bank admin should be able to see the analytics for all the banks.

The users with this permission are allowed to perform Account aggregation functionality. This user will have Live proving tab displayed in left menu bar with Accounts menu which the user can connect with new bank and perform account aggregation to see the account information in the conformance portal.

3.LG requestor:
The user with this permission takes up the role of LG requestor in the Letter of Guarantee flow who creates the new Letter of Guarantee request with all the necessary details and assigns it to the user with Live-LG permission. This user will have Letter of Guarantee menu displayed in the left menu bar.

The users with this permission takes up the role of PSU user/Applicant in the Letter of Guarantee flow to whom the letter of guarantee will be assigned. This user will have Live proving tab displayed in left menu bar with Letter of Guarantee menu. This user can review the Letter of Guarantee application and can decide whether to submit it to the required bank or not.

5.Audits(External Auditor)
Audits and Templates tabs will be accessible for this Permission. Users with External Auditor permission will be allowed to create/manage Templates, create/manage Audits and Review the Question responses. Users with External Auditor permission cannot be assigned other permissions.

Audits tab will be accessible for this Permission. User with Audits permission will be able to view and add responses for the Audits questionnaire assigned to his Bank. Users with Audits permission can be assigned with Functional and Security Conformance permissions.

7.Functional Conformance
Banfico FCS and SAMA FCS tabs will be accessible for this Permission. Users with Functional Conformance permission will be allowed to Create/Edit/View Test plans and reports present in their Organisation.

8.Security Conformance
FAPI and Penetration testing tabs will be accessible for this Permission. Users with Security Conformance permission will be allowed to Create/Edit/View Test plans & reports present in their Organisation and Create Penetration Testing Request.

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