Functional Conformance

Under Functional Conformance, we have Banfico FCS, SAMA FCS, Brazil FCS, COP FCS, COP Simulator - Inbound and COP Simulator - Outbound Test suites

Banfico FCS

1. Click on the Create Test Plan option from the Dashboard

2. In the Create Test Plan form provide the Test plan name, Openbanking Profile, Test Type, Client Authentication Type, Service Type, PSU Redirect flow, Service Category and Description.

Make sure that the below mentioned pre-requisites are done.

  • Two factor authentication should be disabled for the PSU user
  • The Client should accept the Redirect URI
  • Client should be created either using JWKS or using below mentioned Public certificate

3. Provide Json data in the Test Configuration section based on the values provided in Step 2. Sample Test Configuration for Openbanking KSA profile, Client Secret Basic Client Authentication Type and Web to Web PSU redirect flow is provided below. Edit the Bank name, Client details, PSU credentials & endpoint details as required.

Test Configuration

4. Test Plan Scheduler option can be enabled, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Date can be selected in the Stop Scheduler by field, if the Schedule needs to be turned off from a specific date.

  • If the Frequency option is Once, the Test plan will be executed only once at the specified time.
  • If the Frequency option is Hourly, then the user should provide "Runs Every" and "Starts Everyday At" time values. The Test plan will start the first execution at that time and will be repeated for that period.
  • If the Frequency option is Daily, the Test plan will be executed daily at the specified time.
  • If the Frequency option is Weekly, then the user will be allowed to select the Days (like Monday or Tuesday). In this case, the Test plan will be executed on a weekly basis, only on the selected days.

5. Click Run Test Plan option to start the Test execution. You can use the Save Test Plan option, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Schedule Test Plan option can be used to execute the Test plans on scheduled time.

6. Live Test Results will be fetched once the Test execution gets started.

7. User will be redirected to Test details page, once the Test execution gets completed. Test Analytics and Test details will be displayed in Test details page. Test results of individual Service Categories can be viewed in Test Analytics.

8. Clone Test Plan option can be used to create a new Test plan with the existing test configurations.

9. Test report will be downloaded on clicking the Download Report option

10. On clicking the View Full Report option, test report will be displayed under each Service Categories.

11. Test results of individual Test cases can be viewed on clicking the View Result option

Request New Test

If a new Test case needs to be added to our Banfico Test suite, a Test request can be created using the Request New Test feature.

1. Click on the Request New Test option from Banfico FCS Dashboard

2. Select the Add Test Request option from Test Requests Dashboard

3. Provide the Test request Openbanking Profile, Service type, Priority, Title, Description and Submit the Test request

4. Once the Test Request is created, Banfico user will receive a Mail notification. Banfico user will update the status of Test Request to In Progress, add Comments (if any) and will start implementing the Test request.

5. Once the Test implementation is completed, status of Test Request will be updated to Completed

6. If the Test case implementation is satisfactory, the Test request can be Closed by the initiator

Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled Jobs option will be displayed in the Dashboard page of all the Test plans.

1. All the available Scheduled Test plans will be listed in the Scheduled Jobs tab.

2. Users can view or edit the Scheduled job details on clicking the View/Edit option.

3. Scheduled jobs can also be turned off from this tab.


1. Click on the Create Test Plan option from the SAMA FCS Dashboard

2. In the Create Test Plan form provide the Test plan name, Service Type and Description

3. Provide Json data in below format in the Test Configuration section. Edit the Client details, PSU credentials & endpoint details as required. Make sure that the Two factor authentication is disabled for the PSU user and the Client accepts Redirect URI

Sample config for AIS
Sample config for LOG

4. Click Run Test Plan option to start the Test execution. You can use the Save Test Plan option, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Test Plan Scheduler option can be enabled, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future.

5. Live Test Results will be fetched once the Test execution gets started.

6. User will be redirected to Test details page, once the Test execution gets completed.

7. Clone Test Plan option can be used to create a new Test plan with the existing test configurations.

8. Test report will be downloaded on clicking the Download Report option

9. On clicking the View Full Report option, test report will be displayed. Additional Test result details of individual Test cases can be viewed on clicking the View Result option

Brazil FCS

1. Click on the Create Test Plan option from the Brazil FCS Dashboard

2. In the Create Test Plan form provide the Test plan name, FCS Test Plan and Description

3. Provide Json data in the Test Configuration section based on the Bank and Test plan type. Edit the Client details, PSU credentials & endpoint details as required. Make sure that the Two factor authentication is disabled for the PSU user and the Client accepts Redirect URI

4. Click Run Test Plan option to start the Test execution. You can use the Save Test Plan option, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Test Plan Scheduler option can be enabled, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future.

5. Live Test Results will be fetched once the Test execution gets started.

6. User will be redirected to Test details page, once the Test execution gets completed.

7. Clone Test Plan option can be used to create a new Test plan with the existing test configurations.

8. Test report will be downloaded on clicking the Download Report option

9. On clicking the View Full Report option, test report will be displayed. Test result details of individual Test cases can be viewed on clicking the View Result option


1. Click on the Create Test Plan option from the CoP FCS Dashboard

2. In the Create Test Plan form provide the Test plan name, Test type, Bank, Services and Description

3. Click Run Test Plan option to start the Test execution. You can use the Save Test Plan option, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Test Plan Scheduler option can be enabled, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future.

4. Live Test Results will be fetched once the Test execution gets started.

5. User will be redirected to Test details page, once the Test execution gets completed.

6. Clone Test Plan option can be used to create a new Test plan with the existing test configurations.

7. Test report will be downloaded on clicking the Download Report option

8. On clicking the View Full Report option, test report will be displayed. Test result details of individual Test cases can be viewed on clicking the View Result option

CoP Simulator - Inbound

1. Click on the Create Test Plan option from the CoP Simulator - Inbound Dashboard

2. In the Create Test Plan form provide the Test plan name, Service Category and Description

3. Provide Json data in the Test Configuration section. Responder Client details, DCR and Auth details should be provided.

4. Click Run Test Plan option to start the Test execution. You can use the Save Test Plan option, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future. Test Plan Scheduler option can be enabled, if the Test plan needs to be executed in future.

5. Live Test Results will be fetched once the Test execution gets started.

6. User will be redirected to Test details page, once the Test execution gets completed.

7. Clone Test Plan option can be used to create a new Test plan with the existing test configurations.

8. Test report will be downloaded on clicking the Download Report option

9. On clicking the View Full Report option, test report will be displayed. Additional Test result details of individual Test cases can be viewed on clicking the View Result option

CoP Simulator - Outbound

CoP Simulator - Outbound acts as a Responder service to test the Requester scenarios

1. DCR Endpoint, Token Endpoint, Name verification endpoint and the Test cases will be listed in the CoP Simulator - Outbound tab

2. All the Test cases will be in Not Run status initially. Once the Requester starts executing the endpoints, the Test Status, Run count and Updated Time will get updated.

3. DCR Registration should be performed using the DCR endpoint that is listed along with valid SSA. Once DCR is successful, First test case COP_REQ_001 status will get Passed.

4. Using the Client ID that is obtained through DCR, execute the Token endpoint with valid Client Assertion value.

5. We can execute all the available Name verification scenarios using the Access token that is fetched in Step 4.

6. Reset option can be used clear all the existing Test results and resets the Test status back to Not Run

7. Requester can use the below file with all the available Name verification scenarios to execute the endpoints.

Sample postman collection file
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